Photo Organizing and Preservation - How to Start!

SOS: Save | Organize | Share
Do you have boxes, bags, and albums full of precious family photos and memorabilia sitting neglected in the closet? Are your photos fading or stuck in plastic in your photo album? Is it overwhelming that you do not know where to start?
This class is your opportunity to learn the ABC’s and the Do’s and Don’ts of Photo Organizing. We will spend class time providing ideas and solutions for sorting, organizing, and sharing your photos and memories. Handouts covering the process will be provided.
In addition, we will discuss scanning options and cover cloud storage as a backup for, your digital photos. As a perk for attending the workshop bring 25 loose standard-size photos for scanning during class and get a kick start on your photo preservation!
"Be sure to bring an open mind and remember you cannot eat an elephant in one bite". - Insructor Judy Bujold
Instructor: Judy Bujold
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