MORPD Committees
The mission of the Facilities Committee is to:
1. Oversee the preparation of a Master Plan that establishes a vision for the desired future of the District.
2. Work with the staff, consultants, and stakeholders in updating the existing Master Plan.
3. Hold public meetings and forums to obtain community input for facility improvements.
4. Provide oversight of the District’s Master Plan, ensuring that the Plan objectives are being implemented.
5. Recommend annual and multi-year priorities for Master Plan projects.
6. Monitor the use and maintenance of District facilities for the benefit of existing and future users.
To find upcoming Committee meetings please go to the bottom of the MORPD Home page.
Committee Members: Director Michael Alcalay and Director Robert Evans
For upcoming/past meeting dates and agendas visit: Facilities Committee Meetings
The mission of the Finance Committee is to:
1. Assist staff with the preparation of a Preliminary and Final District Budget for the upcoming year and oversee the management of all expenses and revenue.
2. Prepare recommendations to the board semi-annually relative to mid-year budget adjustments.
3. Identify areas of the District’s finance operations and affairs that should be reviewed and make recommendations.
4. Make recommendations for the expenditure of funds as may be required from time to time.
5. Work to ensure that the organization is in, and remains in, good fiscal health.
6. Work to ensure the District has appropriate internal controls and conducts proper financial analysis.
7. Review financial records for completeness and accuracy, oversee proper use of resources, and report any concerns to the Board.
To find upcoming Committee meetings please go to the bottom of the MORPD Home page.
Committee Members: Director Pati Todd-Brown and Direcotr Alcalay
For upcoming/past meeting dates and agendas visit: Finance Committee Meetings
The mission of the Finance Committee is to:
1. Assist staff with the preparation of a Preliminary and Final District Budget for the upcoming year and oversee the management of all expenses and revenue.
2. Prepare recommendations to the board semi-annually relative to mid-year budget adjustments.
3. Identify areas of the District’s finance operations and affairs that should be reviewed and make recommendations.
4. Make recommendations for the expenditure of funds as may be required from time to time.
5. Work to ensure that the organization is in, and remains in, good fiscal health.
6. Work to ensure the District has appropriate internal controls and conducts proper financial analysis.
7. Review financial records for completeness and accuracy, oversee proper use of resources, and report any concerns to the Board.
To find upcoming Committee meetings please go to the bottom of the MORPD Home page.
Committee Members: Director Rothberg
For upcoming/past meeting dates and agendas visit: Recreation Committee Meetings
The mission of the Personnel Policy Committee is to:
1. Identify and promote beneficial personnel practices and resources.
2. Make recommendations regarding the compensation and benefits of District staff.
3. Participate in interviewing candidates for filling vacant management positions as requested by the District Administrator.
4. Ensure the creation and realization of management development plans, diversity initiatives, and succession plans to support long-term strategic objectives.
5. Report and make recommendations to the Board on personnel related matters.
To find upcoming Committee meetings please go to the bottom of the MORPD Home page.
Committee Members: Director Robert Evans and Director Pati Todd-Brown
For upcoming/past meeting dates and agendas visit: Personnel Policy Committee Meetings