MINI TOUR: Christmas Lights at Night!

Date: Saturday Decmeber 7th, 2019
Time: With dinner 3:45pm without dinner 5:20pm - 9:20pm
Cost: $20 Additional Cost: Money for dinner or warm drinks
Registration Deadline: Thursday December 5th, 2019
Explanation of Trip: Just the trip to get you in the mood for the Holidays! This year we will be visiting 3 cities to see different light displays. We will be stopping half way through the tour to warm ourselves up with some hot holiday drinks.
More Information: We will have an optional, NO Host dinner before this trip. If you want a wonderful dinner and social holiday talk, come to: Jack's Urban Eats 545 Monroe St. near Fair Oaks and Fulton Ave. Please arrive at the resturant by 3:45pm and if possible, select a dinner before being seated at 4pm. We will need to leave the returant at 5pm to go to Swanston and pick up any Non-dinner riders at 5:15pm. Tour time leaves at 5:30pm from Swanston Park. Seating priority will be given to people attending dinner.