Brian Bannister, Vice Chair

Term: 2/8/22 – 6/30/25, Seat #1
Brian was appointed to the MORPD Advisory Board of Directors by Supervisor Rich Desmond on February 22, 2022. Brian has been involved with the Mission Oaks Recreation and Park District since he and his twin sister attended Camp-Have-A-Lot-of-Fun (CHALOF) and other summer camps as children in the 70’s. Things came full circle when his own kids started attending CHALOF and participating in MORPD sports, first as children and then as teenagers. His 16-year-old daughter not only played volleyball for MORPD growing up but she also had her first job with them in the Fall of 2021 as a middle school volleyball coach.
Brian has spent countless hours playing with his kids and watching them grow up at local MORPD parks such as Maddox, Mission, and Gibbons. He now spends time each week either walking his dog in local parks or playing tennis with his son. He understands the important role MORPD plays in his community in keeping its residents healthy and active and is excited to begin serving on the MORPD Board. Professionally, Brian spends his time as a financial advisor helping people with retirement planning and tax advising.
Bannister Ethics Training Certificate.pdf